Introducing The Sisters Fund
New in 2023, two sisters have established a designated fund within the Woman of Wonder scholarship organization specifically to help women who have experienced domestic violence. The sisters have a heart for helping women who are struggling to complete their education.
In their own words, Sue and Corinne said, "Our childhood could be described in one word: “fear," especially at night . . . Who or what would be injured or broken, would we sleep, what angry words would be screamed and fill the house like a heavy hail? We endured what no children should need to."
"It is easy to say, “Why don’t women leave?” It is harder to say, “What would give women the confidence to start anew?” Both of us have benefited from college educations leading to productive professional careers."
"We want to empower women to say, “Domestic violence stops now for me and my children." We want to empower women to say, “I can support our family." While college education is not a guarantee, it can increase opportunity for a safe and nurturing future."
"We were innocent children. Once. We used to hide. No more. We are adults now and freely make the choice to help tip the cosmic balance towards wholesomeness and grace."
If you wish to APPLY for scholarship help from this fund, please mention the Sisters Fund in your application submitted through our Google Form.
If you wish to GIVE to the Sisters Fund, please note that on your check or online donation.