Woman of Wonder 501(c)(3)

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First donors became the Founders Club for Woman of Wonder

It’s hard to know when you start a nonprofit whose livee you will touch or how they’ll respond. One of the greatest gifts we offer each other is the gift of connection and creating community. Our Founders Club honors those who believed in our mission before we had a track record before we’d awarded any scholarships and before we even had an address.

Our deepest and heartfelt thanks extend to these generous people, who knew from the beginning that Woman of Wonder was something worth paying attention to and worth supporting.

Our Founders Club represents the best of the best in our community. We are so thankful you joined our journey to make a difference in the lives of others.

Individuals and Families

Katherine Ahlberg

Tere Allen

Christine Anderson-Radabaugh

Debbie Anderson Roth

The Cousins Armstrong

Angie Armstrong


David Autzen

Bob Azorr

Shoshana Bai

Diane Fyfe Berg

W. John & Jan Bohrnsen

Nancy Brunelle

Mike and Megan Burns

Linda Clark

Shanell Clouse

Sylvie Dale

Carol Doane

Wilma & Kenneth Doane

Debbie Dunn

Elizabeth DuPriest

Jeannette Dwight

Nino Eaton-Roth

Dina Elliott

James Frederick

Samantha Flaherty

Nancy Gaston

Mary Ann Glover

Kim Gramm

Vicki Greenleaf

Angie Grohn

Dana Hollowell

Nancy Horton

Donna Jay

continued. . .

Kailynn Keirstead

Michael & Linda Keirstead

Kevin & Casandra Kerr

Kumar Kumar

Joe Lennington

Tabatha Lillie

Kate Londgren

Tom May

Julie Mendoza

Janis Mitchell

Ann Shape Morrison

Kathleen Moyer

Lousie Odle

Shannon Olson

Patricia Allen Oneil

Kimberlee W O’Neill

Ana Peterlin

Jane Revesz

Dick & Gladys Rustay

Melanie Sherman

Michele L. Silvey

Bruce Smith

Patricia Stephens

Katherine Sterling

Stephen Stewart

Cheryl Sylvia

Greg Thompson

Scott Timmons

Heidi Treadwell Askew

Sandra Tucker

Wendy J Wright

Blanca Yáñez